Creating a form

Use either the Insert > Form command or the Forms panel of the Objects palette to create a form.

To create a form

1 Do one of the following:
Place the cursor where you want the form to appear and choose Insert > Form.
Place the cursor where you want the form to appear and click the Form button on the Forms panel of the Objects palette.
Drag the Form button to the desired location on the page.
If there is no visible result, check that View > Invisible Elements is on.
2 Select the form and set form properties in the Property inspector. Choose from the following options:
Form name assigns a name to the form. Naming a form makes it possible to control it with a scripting language, such as JavaScript or VBScript.
Action identifies the server-side application that processes the form information, specified as a URL. Enter the path for the application or click the folder icon to locate the file.
Method defines how the form data is handled.
3 In the Property inspector, choose one of the following methods to define how the form data is handled:
Get appends form values to the URL and sends the server a GET request. Because URLs are limited to 8192 characters, don't use the GET method with long forms.
Post sends the form values in the body of a message and sends the server a POST request.
Default uses the browser default method (generally GET).